【同义词辨析】 2018-12-26 技巧tact-savoir faire

tact: implies delicate and considerate perception of what is fit or appropriate under given circumstances: use ~ when inquiring about the divorce. delicate敏感小心讲技巧,有2个意思,1.脆弱易损=fragile 2. 需要技巧小心敏感体察,即微妙精致showing or needing skill, care or sensitivity,如I admired your delicate handling of the situation我赞赏你应付局面的技巧) (considerate体谅体贴: 指考虑照顾他人情感或痛苦stresses concern for the feelings or distresses of others,如a manner both courtly and considerate举止恭敬而体贴(tact直接来自法语,法语中表示触碰触觉,本身也是词根TACT/TANG,如contact接触,tactile触觉的,tangible可触碰的有形的,tangent正切的离题的。人际交往需要像指尖fingertips一样极度敏感extremely sensitive,林肯说"tact is the ability to describe others as they see themselves"评价他人时符合他的心意---即对自己的看法。有技巧的人可以安抚最难相处的人a tactful person can soothe the feelings of the most difficult people,没有技巧笨拙的人很可能让情况更糟a tactless person will generally make a bad situation worse因为他们不会像指尖一样体察他人情感,情商低)

address: stresses dexterity and grace in dealing with new and trying situations and may imply success in attaining one's ends: brought off her first dinner party with remarkable ~.     grace有2个意思,1.优美优雅implies a movement that is smooth, elegant, and controlled形容"动作"流畅雅致控制得体,如she moves with the natural grace of a ballerina她的动作像芭蕾演员一样自然优雅优美 2文雅,形容"言行举止"有礼貌让人喜欢尊重,也可以说成有风度,如he conducted himself with grace and dignity throughout the trial他在整个审讯过程中表现得文雅而有尊严,词组social graces社交礼节

poise: implies both tact and address but stresses self-possession and ease in meeting difficult situations: the ~ of one who has been officiating all his life.  self-possession镇定自如implies perfect self-control and command of one's powers under stress面对压力能很好的把控自己,如answered the insolent question with complete self-possession镇定地回答无礼的提问) officiate是official动词,表示任职履职主持,如本例

savoir faire: is likely to stress worldly experience and a sure awareness of what is proper or expedient in various situations: has little of the ~ expected of a Washington hostess. 不要写成hostress.        (worldly世间,即关注人生幸福implies a devotion to happiness in this world,如chose to focus on worldly concerns选择关注世事)

tact技巧: 指人际交往时会观察他人情绪感受,能够做到合适得体,address娴熟优雅: 指应对困难时娴熟优雅并取得成功,poise镇定自如: 表示技巧和娴熟,但强调应对困难时镇定自如,savoir faire处世能力: 强调有处世经验,各种情况下都知道怎样妥当有效(expedient权宜,短期有效果但长期效果欠佳)

记忆方法: 1)首字母TAPS轻敲<==要有技巧    tap轻拍轻敲to hit with a quick light blow,如he tapped me on the back他轻轻拍了下我的后背)


          3)技巧的意思是与人交往时优雅有技巧mean skill and grace in dealing with others.首字母TAPS轻敲<==要有技巧